This research aims to examine how the meanings of the Grand Canal has changed during several social transitions of Chinese society and how Chinese nationalism has been formed and transformed in the heritagization process. The term “heritagization” refers to a strategy that uses discourses and displays to officially declare the historical contribution of heritage is so meaningful to contemporary society that it should be preserved and memorized. It is similar to historic preservation, but this term emphasizes that heritage is never a neutral object that naturally survives a span of time. Also, I focus more on the discourses part of heritagization in this paper, demonstrating how the Grand Canal served as a national infrastructure, which helped to balance regional difference of the Chinese empire, and then becomes a national heritage site of People’s Republic of China, and a UNESCO Heritage Site in 2014. I analyze data and materials from heritage discourses, documents for the World Heritage bid, and a propaganda documentary on its contributions and historical evaluations. This research provides another lens to see Chinese heritage, which is not innate to everything from the past but derived from the contemporary social process.