台灣西洋古典、中世紀暨文藝復興學會 (TACMRS) 第十五屆國際會議
台灣西洋古典、中世紀暨文藝復興學會 (TACMRS) 第十五屆國際會議
國立臺灣師範大學藝術史研究所誠摯地邀請您參加台灣西洋古典、中世紀暨文藝復興學會 (TACMRS) 第十五屆國際會議【旅行文化:觀光、朝聖、遷徙】
旅行已成為現代生活中的尋常體驗。但是,由於 2020 至2021年新冠疫情引發的全球危機,國際旅行甚至國內遷徙已不再是理所當然的權利。本屆會議旨在藉此機會批判性地反思人類旅行和遷移的歷史和本質,探索身體和智識方面的旅行意涵,藉此研究未知領域、促進文化交流及靈性或宗教體驗。
【注意事項】 會議將以全英文及線上方式進行。 研討會的參與連結將於會議前寄到與會者的電子郵件信箱並公告於網站上。 參與會議免報名費,請務必於2021年10月18日24:00前完成報名程序。
Cultures of Travel: Tourism, Pilgrimage, Migration (Online Conference)
The Fifteenth International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (TACMRS) at the Graduate Institute of Art History at NTNU (online/Taipei, 22–23 October 2021)
The Graduate Institute of Art History at NTNU cordially invites you to the fifteenth Annual International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (TACMRS) “Cultures of Travel: Tourism, Pilgrimage, Migration.”
Traveling has become a natural part of modern life. As a result of the worldwide crisis caused by the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020/21, it is no longer a self-evident right to move from one country to the other or even to travel within national boundaries. Given this particular situation, it is a good time to reflect critically upon the history and nature of human mobility. The conference aims to reflect on the multifarious forms of human mobility and its underlying motivations. Physical and intellectual traveling will be explored as ways of investigating unknown territories, cultural exchange, and spiritual or religious experience.
The journey as conference topic allows a wide-ranging thematic approach that not only resonates with the interdisciplinary alignment of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, but also with the dualistic structure of the Graduate Institute of Art History at NTNU that integrates research and teaching of Asian and Western Art History. Accordingly, the conference will bring together proven experts and young outstanding scholars from the fields of art history, history, literary studies, cultural studies, religious studies, philosophy, classical studies, middle eastern and oriental studies as well as specialists, who concentrate on the cultural exchange between Asia and Europe. The organizers strive to achieve an interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange thus fostering intellectual creativity and academic innovation.
PLEASE NOTE The conference language is English. The conference is planned as an online event; the link will be sent to the attendee’s email box and provided on the website shortly before the conference. Attendance is free of charge. Registration for participation—until 24:00, 18 October 2021—is mandatory.
Please visit our website for registration:
台灣西洋古典、中世紀暨文藝復興學會 (TACMRS) 第十五屆國際會議
國立臺灣師範大學藝術史研究所誠摯地邀請您參加台灣西洋古典、中世紀暨文藝復興學會 (TACMRS) 第十五屆國際會議【旅行文化:觀光、朝聖、遷徙】
旅行已成為現代生活中的尋常體驗。但是,由於 2020 至2021年新冠疫情引發的全球危機,國際旅行甚至國內遷徙已不再是理所當然的權利。本屆會議旨在藉此機會批判性地反思人類旅行和遷移的歷史和本質,探索身體和智識方面的旅行意涵,藉此研究未知領域、促進文化交流及靈性或宗教體驗。
【注意事項】 會議將以全英文及線上方式進行。 研討會的參與連結將於會議前寄到與會者的電子郵件信箱並公告於網站上。 參與會議免報名費,請務必於2021年10月18日24:00前完成報名程序。
Cultures of Travel: Tourism, Pilgrimage, Migration (Online Conference)
The Fifteenth International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (TACMRS) at the Graduate Institute of Art History at NTNU (online/Taipei, 22–23 October 2021)
The Graduate Institute of Art History at NTNU cordially invites you to the fifteenth Annual International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (TACMRS) “Cultures of Travel: Tourism, Pilgrimage, Migration.”
Traveling has become a natural part of modern life. As a result of the worldwide crisis caused by the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020/21, it is no longer a self-evident right to move from one country to the other or even to travel within national boundaries. Given this particular situation, it is a good time to reflect critically upon the history and nature of human mobility. The conference aims to reflect on the multifarious forms of human mobility and its underlying motivations. Physical and intellectual traveling will be explored as ways of investigating unknown territories, cultural exchange, and spiritual or religious experience.
The journey as conference topic allows a wide-ranging thematic approach that not only resonates with the interdisciplinary alignment of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, but also with the dualistic structure of the Graduate Institute of Art History at NTNU that integrates research and teaching of Asian and Western Art History. Accordingly, the conference will bring together proven experts and young outstanding scholars from the fields of art history, history, literary studies, cultural studies, religious studies, philosophy, classical studies, middle eastern and oriental studies as well as specialists, who concentrate on the cultural exchange between Asia and Europe. The organizers strive to achieve an interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange thus fostering intellectual creativity and academic innovation.
PLEASE NOTE The conference language is English. The conference is planned as an online event; the link will be sent to the attendee’s email box and provided on the website shortly before the conference. Attendance is free of charge. Registration for participation—until 24:00, 18 October 2021—is mandatory.
Please visit our website for registration: