【東亞人類學會討論會】WEAI at 75 The Anthropology of East Asia: Taiwan's Contributions

主講人: 請參見議程
主辦單位: 中研院民族所、Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
與談人: Myron L. Cohen 孔邁隆 (Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Anthropology, Columbia University)
Chang Hsun 張珣 (Director, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica)
Liu Shao-Hua 劉紹華 (Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica)
Ou Tzu-Chi 歐子綺 (Assistant Professor, International College of Innovation, National Chengchi University)
Huang Shu-min 黃樹民 (Academician, Academica Sinica)
時間: 2024 年 07 月 11 日(四)下午 2:00 至 下午 4:00
地點: 中研院民族所第一會議室
  1. Tea and coffee are provided. Please bring your own reusable cups.


     2. No food or drinks are allowed inside the conference room except for water.


     3. This event will be followed by a reception.

