Buw! An Ongoing Project on Betel Nut Supply Chains in Micronesia

主講人: Sébastien Galliot (Research Fellow, CREDO)
主辦單位: 中央研究院民族學研究所-⽐較南島研究群、南島連結:跨領域研究之新航向學術發展平台
時間: 2024 年 07 月 25 日(四)上午 10:00 至 下午 12:00
相關連結: https://www.ioe.sinica.edu.tw/content/EventReg/content.aspx?&SiteID=530167135246736660&MenuID=530377763424606316&SSize=10&Fid=530167140052471255&View=1&MSID=1254104355217306003
地點: 中央研究院民族學研究所第三會議室(R2319)
In Palau and Yap, all aspects of daily life, from formal gatherings and meetings to the most informal interactions, are mediated by the exchange and consumption of nuts from the areca palm tree (commonly called betelnut). Although its botanical, agroforestry, cultural aspects, and health issues are well known in Southeast Asia (Vietnam and Taiwan, for example), betel nut trade and exchange remain unexplored in Micronesian states and territories. Yet, in these territories, it plays a significant role in social relationships and the shaping of the landscape, and it impacts resources that need to be studied. This paper will present some research orientations and methods to better understand the cultivation, commodification and consumption of betel nuts.

