The Lexicographical Revolution of Modern Japan、Dictionaries for Stories and Stories of Dictionaries: The Linguistic / lexicographic Reception of the Water Margin in 18th Century Japan
主講人:David Lurie 教授
(Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University)
(Director, Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture, Columbia University)
講 題:The Lexicographical Revolution of Modern Japan (英文演講)
主講人:Nan Ma Hartmann 教授
講 題:Dictionaries for Stories and Stories of Dictionaries: The Linguistic / lexicographic Reception of the Water Margin in 18th Century Japan(中文演講)
備 註:無須事先報名,歡迎蒞臨參加。
(Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University)
(Director, Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture, Columbia University)
講 題:The Lexicographical Revolution of Modern Japan (英文演講)
主講人:Nan Ma Hartmann 教授
講 題:Dictionaries for Stories and Stories of Dictionaries: The Linguistic / lexicographic Reception of the Water Margin in 18th Century Japan(中文演講)
備 註:無須事先報名,歡迎蒞臨參加。