此次大會主題為Taiwan in the Making,相關議題包括:
- “Worlding” Taiwan: Taiwan in Global Context
- Contested Sovereignty: Taiwan in Comparison
- New Directions in Taiwan Studies
- Consolidating Taiwan’s Democracy
- Gender and Society in a Changing Taiwan
- Environment, Ecology, and the Future of Taiwan
- Ethnic Identity and Diversity in Taiwan
- Taiwan History through Primary Sources
自「第一屆臺灣研究世界大會」於2012年4月於臺灣中央研究院舉辦後,2015年6月「第二屆臺灣研究世界大會」順利移師至英國倫敦大學亞非學 院(School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London)舉 行,2018年9月「第三屆臺灣研究世界大會」再次回到中研院盛大舉辦,過去三屆大會成功地建立起本院與國外臺灣研究機構共同主辦此大會的合作模式,更將此研究平 台的資源做更大的延伸與分享。 2022年「第四屆臺灣研究世界大會」將為本會第一次移至北美地區舉辦,與美國華盛頓大學共同主辦,預計將有來自世界各地約80位在「臺灣研究」表現傑出的學者 一齊參與,分享研究成果,開拓「臺灣研究」新局面。 在此謹代表大會籌備委員會誠摯地邀請您共襄盛舉。有您的支持和參與,相信此次大會將更加豐富圓滿。
籌備委員會主席 黃進興 中央研究院副院長
籌備委員會秘書長 蕭新煌 中央研究院社會學研究所兼任研究員
Dear Sir/Madame,
We are very pleased to announce that the 4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies will take place in Seattle between June 27 – 29, 2022. This event will be hosted jointly by Academia Sinica and University of Washington, Seattle. The local host is the UW Taiwan Studies Program (TSP).
The 4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies
Date: June 27-29, 2022 (Monday-Wednesday)
Venue: University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Theme: Taiwan in the Making
Organizers: Taiwan Studies Program, University of Washington, USA & Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Website: https://wcts.sinica.edu.tw/wctsIV/index.html Abstract submission
deadline: October 20, 2021 (Wednesday)
CFP: https://wcts.sinica.edu.tw/wctsIV/zCall4papers.html
The general theme of this coming Congress is “Taiwan in the Making”.
Examples of key themes include:
- “Worlding” Taiwan: Taiwan in Global Context
- Contested Sovereignty: Taiwan in Comparison
- New Directions in Taiwan Studies
- Consolidating Taiwan’s Democracy
- Gender and Society in a Changing Taiwan
- Environment, Ecology, and the Future of Taiwan
- Ethnic Identity and Diversity in Taiwan
- Taiwan History through Primary Sources
This will be the first World Congress of Taiwan Studies held in North America, and would bring together the world’s leading as well as rising scholars from Taiwan, Japan, Asia, North America, Europe, and Australia.
We welcome and look forward to your participation.
Best Regards,
Chin-shing HUANG
Vice President,
Academia Sinica, TAIWAN
H. H. Michael Hsiao
Secretary General
The Secretariat of the World Congress of Taiwan Studies
- “Worlding” Taiwan: Taiwan in Global Context
- Contested Sovereignty: Taiwan in Comparison
- New Directions in Taiwan Studies
- Consolidating Taiwan’s Democracy
- Gender and Society in a Changing Taiwan
- Environment, Ecology, and the Future of Taiwan
- Ethnic Identity and Diversity in Taiwan
- Taiwan History through Primary Sources
自「第一屆臺灣研究世界大會」於2012年4月於臺灣中央研究院舉辦後,2015年6月「第二屆臺灣研究世界大會」順利移師至英國倫敦大學亞非學 院(School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London)舉 行,2018年9月「第三屆臺灣研究世界大會」再次回到中研院盛大舉辦,過去三屆大會成功地建立起本院與國外臺灣研究機構共同主辦此大會的合作模式,更將此研究平 台的資源做更大的延伸與分享。 2022年「第四屆臺灣研究世界大會」將為本會第一次移至北美地區舉辦,與美國華盛頓大學共同主辦,預計將有來自世界各地約80位在「臺灣研究」表現傑出的學者 一齊參與,分享研究成果,開拓「臺灣研究」新局面。 在此謹代表大會籌備委員會誠摯地邀請您共襄盛舉。有您的支持和參與,相信此次大會將更加豐富圓滿。
籌備委員會主席 黃進興 中央研究院副院長
籌備委員會秘書長 蕭新煌 中央研究院社會學研究所兼任研究員
Dear Sir/Madame,
We are very pleased to announce that the 4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies will take place in Seattle between June 27 – 29, 2022. This event will be hosted jointly by Academia Sinica and University of Washington, Seattle. The local host is the UW Taiwan Studies Program (TSP).
The 4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies
Date: June 27-29, 2022 (Monday-Wednesday)
Venue: University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Theme: Taiwan in the Making
Organizers: Taiwan Studies Program, University of Washington, USA & Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Website: https://wcts.sinica.edu.tw/wctsIV/index.html Abstract submission
deadline: October 20, 2021 (Wednesday)
CFP: https://wcts.sinica.edu.tw/wctsIV/zCall4papers.html
The general theme of this coming Congress is “Taiwan in the Making”.
Examples of key themes include:
- “Worlding” Taiwan: Taiwan in Global Context
- Contested Sovereignty: Taiwan in Comparison
- New Directions in Taiwan Studies
- Consolidating Taiwan’s Democracy
- Gender and Society in a Changing Taiwan
- Environment, Ecology, and the Future of Taiwan
- Ethnic Identity and Diversity in Taiwan
- Taiwan History through Primary Sources
This will be the first World Congress of Taiwan Studies held in North America, and would bring together the world’s leading as well as rising scholars from Taiwan, Japan, Asia, North America, Europe, and Australia.
We welcome and look forward to your participation.
Best Regards,
Chin-shing HUANG
Vice President,
Academia Sinica, TAIWAN
H. H. Michael Hsiao
Secretary General
The Secretariat of the World Congress of Taiwan Studies