皇風無垠:朝鮮國與明代帝國的塑造(Boundless Winds of Empire: Chosŏn Korea and the Construction of Ming Empire)

Speaker: 王思翔教授(美國加州大學洛杉磯分校亞洲語言與文化學系副教授)
Moderator: 巫仁恕教授(中央研究院近代史研究所研究員)
Organizers: 中央研究院明清研究推動委員會、中央研究院近代史研究所
Date: 2024 年 07 月 24 日(三)下午 3:00 至 下午 5:00
Location: 中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館第二會議室




朝鮮王朝(1392-1910 年)與明帝國(1368-1644 年)保持了長達兩個世紀的和平關係。通常朝明關係被理解為明代中華秩序與朝貢體系的自然延伸。然而,此觀點掩蓋了朝鮮王朝以及其使節在塑造該關係發揮的巨大作用以及其動機和手段。本講將探討朝鮮國在外交詩詞與書函中採用的修辭策略 (rhetorical strategy),以論證朝鮮朝廷如何與明朝統治者共同打造明朝「帝國意識形態」的核心內容。作為共同構建者,朝鮮使節堅持將朝鮮,即「東國」,納入古聖賢所傳承的文明世界 (ecumene)。除了樹立朝鮮國的文化權威外,朝鮮王朝同時也借此驅散中華帝國對朝鮮半島的復辟主義陰影。總之,朝鮮與明朝所謂的朝貢關係或宗藩關係的意識形態基礎,並非儒家思想中的政治原則的簡單衍生,亦非明朝世界觀的自然結果,而是產生於朝鮮王朝與明帝國之間有關文化與政治傳承的對話。



The Chosŏn Dynasty of Korea (1392-1910) enjoyed two centuries of unbroken peace with the Ming empire in China (1368–1644). These relations have usually been understood as resulting from a Ming-centered Chinese World Order supported by the institutions of the tributary system. But this view obscures how the Chosŏn court and its envoys exercised enormous agency in shaping the terms and rationales of this relationship. This lecture explores the rhetorical strategies employed in Chosŏn diplomacy, particularly in the poetry and diplomatic correspondence. It argues how the Chosŏn court crafted with Ming envoys and rulers central aspects of Ming imperial ideology. As co-constructors and stakeholders, Chosŏn envoys insisted on integrating Chosŏn, or the "Eastern Country", into the civilizational ecumene inherited from the sages of antiquity. Besides a claim of cultural authority, the Chosŏn also used it to ward off the specters of imperial irredentism over the Korean Peninsula. The ideological underpinnings of Chosŏn-Ming tributary relations, far from a ready-made system derived from timeless Confucian principles or a coherent Ming vision of world order, emerged in part from the diplomatic dialogues over the meaning of the classical past and its political legacies.

