The Hidden, The Revealed, and the Fake《隱的光的,真的假的》

Speaker: 參見主辦單位議程
Organizers: 中央研究院民族學研究所
Date: 2024 年 11 月 22 日(五)上午 9:30 至 2024 年 11 月 23 日(六)下午 6:00
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Location: 中央研究院民族學研究所第三會議室(新館2319會議室)
與會學者 Speaker
李梅君Mei-Chun Li|Academia Sinica
Kukhee Choo|Hosei University
司黛蕊Teri Silvio|Academia Sinica
Melissa Demian|University of St Andrews
Nishant Shah|Chinese University of Hong Kong
白瑞梅Amie Parry|National Central University
胡子哥 Gabriele de Seta|University of Bergen
Katrien Jacobs|Chinese University of Hong Kong
林照真 Caroline Lin|National Taiwan University
摘要 Summary
In recent years, misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories have become increasingly important factors in political processes around the world, and these phenomena cannot be ignored by anthropologists and scholars in related disciplines. The questions of what is real and what is fake, and how can we know, matter not only to our interlocutors but are also pressing epistemological questions that may force us to reframe our findings and our methodologies.
Some anthropologists have discussed conspiracy theory and the  conditions that give rise to it in terms of what it can tell us about local ideas about what political power is and how it works in general (e.g., West and Sanders, eds. 2003, Boyer 2006, Birchell 2006, Masco and Wedeen, eds, 2024). Others have looked at conspiracy discourse outside of the field of politics, for instance how discourse about the cover-up of truths about the existence of aliens is an alternative way of narrating known but uncomfortable histories (e.g., Battaglia, ed. 2006, Lepselter 2016). Other topics related to questions of truth and falsehood, what is deliberately hidden and what can be revealed, such as gossip, religious experience and conversion, and the uses and misuses of scientific discourse, have had longer histories within the discipline, and the effects of new media technologies on all of these phenomena is an urgent topic of current research.
This interdisciplinary conference will be looking at the conditions that give rise to new ways of thinking about what is true and what is fake, how truth and untruth are presented and disseminated, especially in relation to the structure of digital environments and government surveillance.
Topics covered will include conspiracy theories around political events (such as assassinations), how conspiratorial thinking and disinformation spread and how they might be combatted, and how technological innovations (such as AI) and new types of totalizing social media and surveillance environments are creating new types of truth and new forms of revelation. Most of the research being done on these topics has been conducted in the context of North America and Europe. Here we look at discourses emerging primarily outside of those contexts (especially in Asia), with complicated global and local interconnections. Like the discourses we study, the conference aims to uncover how new formations of the hidden and the visible, the corrupt and the pure, (re)construct relationships between the past and the future.

報名期間:即日起至11月17日(星期日)23:00截止 請使用桌機或筆電報名(避免用手機),感謝您的配合!
聯絡人:許慈芳 (02)2652-3324
