Call for Papers - 2015 International Conference on Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica
Call for Papers
The Committee for Promotion of Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica is pleased to announce a call for papers for the International Conference on Ming-Qing Studies to be held at Academia Sinica on December 10-11, 2015. The Conference seeks significant contributions in all major fields of Ming-Qing studies, and will provide a forum for sharing cutting-edge developments in the field. Airfare is not included, but participants (except those from northern Taiwan) will be provided free accommodation and breakfast at the conference hotel for three nights. Lunch will be provided on conference days and there will be a farewell dinner on December 10, 2015.
Panel Submissions
Authors are invited to submit panel proposals or individual paper proposal to the Conference Submission System by April 30, 2015. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously. Panel conveners should submit a panel description of up to 500 words defining the panel topic and connections among the papers, along with abstracts of individual papers, which should not exceed 250 words. Panels should include a maximum of five participants (including the chair, paper presenters and discussants) with a maximum of four papers presented. Individual paper proposal should include the author’s information and the abstract of paper, which should not exceed 250 words. Papers in English, Japanese or Korea are acceptable, but please submit the abstract in Chinese and present the paper in Chinese or English on conference. The Conference will make the final determination of the make-up of all panels and individual papers. Notification will be made by June 5, 2015. Accepted papers must be submitted by November 15, 2015. Accepted papers will be posted to a password-protected website, and made available to participants through the website.
Submission link
1. Panel Proposal
2. Individual Paper Proposal
Important dates
Panel submission: 2015. 4. 30
Notification: 2015. 6. 5
Final manuscript due: 2015. 11. 15
The Committee for Promotion of Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica
Assistant: Yuchun Chiu