Heretics and Dogmas: A Byzantine Genre That Refuted Heresy

Speaker: 草生久嗣 博士(大阪公立大學大學院文學研究科教授)
Moderator: 張谷銘 博士(中研院史語所副研究員)
Organizers: 中研院史語所文化思想史研究室、世界史研究室
Date: 2025 年 01 月 21 日(二)下午 3:30 至 下午 5:30
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Location: 中研院史語所研究大樓七樓701會議室

The Panoplia Dogmatike (Dogmatic armory or weaponry) was compiled by Euthymios Zigabenos of Constantinople in the 11th-12th Century. It was the first in a series of projects that, produced in Byzantium’s Comnenian dynasty, represented the genre of Byzantine literature that attacked heresy (especially Islam) of the time.The purpose of its compilation was not just to respond to contemporary debates on doctrinal orthodoxy, but also to bring together a collection of texts written by the Church Fathers of early Christianity for religious references. This paper elucidates the significance of the Panoplia literature that was made available to us by later edition and publications.
