“ Sanctity and Self-Inflicted Violence in Chinese Religions , 1500-1700 ” ——俞永峰教授講演活動紀要
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清史讀書會於 2012 年 5 月 30 日(星期三)邀請美國佛羅里達州立大學宗教系俞永峰教授 (Jimmy Yu) 前來演講,講題為「Sanctity and Self-Inflicted Violence in Chinese Religions , 1500-1700」。
俞老師於 2008 年取得普林斯頓大學博士學位,今年出版了 Sanctity and Self-Inflicted Violence in Chinese Religions , 1500-1700 一書,此次演講即是以舉例方式,介紹書中有關明末清初血書經文、割股療親、節婦自殘等自我身體暴力行為的現象與意義。大綱如下:
During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, thousands of men and women exercised the instrumentality of their bodies to accomplish different goals. Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike sliced open their tongues and fingers to copy scriptures with their blood; emperors and magistrates exposed their naked bodies to produce rain; sons and daughters secretly sliced a piece of their own flesh to feed their parents to demonstrate their filial piety toward them; young, chaste widows cut off their noses to permanently undermine their eligibility when forced to remarry. Textual sources on self-inflicted violent practices appear to be particularly abundant during this time. Nearly all gazetteers in every part of China include sections devoted to pious children and chaste widows who engaged in such practices. Graphic cases of self-inflicted violence are also found in religious tracts, illustrated books, popular literature, fiction, and poetry during this period. In some sources, performers are eulogized and revered as exemplars to be emulated. In others, they are scorned and their acts are contested. Yet, whether revered and scorned, these practices were an inextricable part of the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Chinese experience.
This talk focuses on a range of body practices of blood writing, filial body-slicing, chastity mutilations and suicides, and ritual exposure and self-immolation. My central argument is that self-inflicted violence in the form of socially sanctioned and routinized bodily mutilations was a widespread and highly visible part of the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century cultural life that transcended religious boundaries. It was the most effected way people negotiated their subjectivity and sanctity. Performers engaged in self-inflicted violence to exercise power and to affect people, events, and the environment. It enabled them to graphically and viscerally demonstrate moral values, reinstitute order, forge new social relations, and secure boundaries against the threat of moral ambiguity. Their acts were often systematic, ritualized, and replete with meaning for both the performers and their audiences.
俞老師指出,僧侶將血書《金剛經》等佛經經文視為一種誠心苦行的表現,藉由割舌、割指的痛苦傳達信仰的虔誠,且這類行為至今依舊存在。福建鼓山湧泉寺,最晚從十一世紀開始收藏血書經文,可惜明初遭遇火劫付之一炬,目前時代最早的藏品來自晚明(1638 年)。俞老師放映了湧泉寺附近一位名為傳法的僧侶,用剃刀割開舌下,放血至杯中,再用血寫出「佛」、「道」等字贈予信徒的一段影片,相當令人震撼。此外,亦有信徒提供自身之血給僧侶抄寫經書,以此表現虔敬供奉的心意。